What is the Church and where is it? The Lord illustrated this by using many images, metaphors, allegories and parables. We explore the most important.

Bishop Longinus: “Cretan Council a lawless synod”

Bishop Longinus chastises his fellow Bishops for gathering a Synod without Orthodoxy, and urges them to repent.

June 14, 2018 by Orthodox Witness

Bishop Longinus: Orthodox hierarchs are betraying the Faith

Today, patriarchs, bishops and priests want to show a different way to eternal life—not the way the Lord showed us.

June 14, 2018 by Orthodox Witness

Is there grace outside the Church?

Is God’s grace received only by members of the Church or can there be grace outside the Church? Are only Orthodox Christians saved?

Why is dogma important in my life?

Why do we Orthodox insist on teachings that divide us more than unite us? Do these dogmas make any difference in the way we live? What is a dogma anyhow?

“Our Faith is alive!” Get to know Papa-Dimitri

Is it possible, in our times, to become a saint? Witness the life of Papa-Dimitri (+1975), a prophetic figure, and married priest with nine daughters.

The fruit of the Holy Spirit

Today, All Saints day, we’ll talk briefly about the virtues/fruit of the Spirit, providing examples from the lives of the Saints for a better understanding.

Holy Pentecost: OUR LIFE IN CHRIST

The timid, scared, ignorant, “earthly” disciples were transformed into the courageous, bold, all-wise holy Apostles. They transformed the world. We can too.

Sunday of the Holy Fathers [Audio sermon]

On the Sunday before Holy Pentecost, we honor the Holy Fathers, especially the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, who guide us inerrantly to Christ.

Three kinds of human blindness

There are three kinds of darkness: the physical darkness, the intellectual darkness and the spiritual darkness. We look briefly at all three.

The darkness of ignorance

The man blind from birth regains his eyesight and spiritual eyesight from the Lord; whereas the teachers of the law choose to remain in spiritual darkness.

A real Bethesda today

The water of Bethesda became healing water for the body once in a while. The water of Holy Baptism in the Church is healing for the soul always.

The Myrrh-bearing Women and us

On this Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women, we pay homage to the woman as a human being and chiefly as a Christian.

April 21, 2018 by Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis

“Blessed are those who have not seen and believe”

Do you believe with an unshakable faith in the resurrection? Do you live His life? If so, you are among the “blessed”. Not sure? Read more in this post.

Stephen Hawking and Christian Faith

Mr. Hawking’s explanation of “how” the universe was created is very similar to what the Church believes. It’s the “Who” that’s missing from his equation.


“Is there any opposition between the theory of evolution and Christianity? An evolutionist Orthodox priest makes a rebuttal to an atheist evolutionist.”

On Faith and Science

St. Anthony’s Monastery in Arizona refused to carry “The Heavenly Banquet”, our book on the Divine Liturgy. Why? Because, according to them, the Theory of Evolution is…un-Orthodox!

The Unpardonable Sin

What is this “unforgivable sin” or “unpardonable sin” the Lord spoke of, that will “not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come”?

“Judge not, that you be not judged”

If we don’t want to be condemned at the Great Judgment that will take place at the Second Coming of the Lord, we must not condemn others, but practice love.

February 10, 2018 by Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis

Saint Maximos the Confessor

Saint Maximos the Confessor — Jan. 21

Saint Maximos was a champion defender of the Orthodox faith during a time of great confusion in the Church. Here is why his life matters to us today.

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