Be all that you can be: TRANSFIGURED

Does modern man really understand himself? All of us have the potential to achieve true “self-actualization” which is to be transfigured and saved.

We run to our Mother

The Mother of God is our mother too. Run to her during these first 14 days of August to receive the loving consolation she provides.

August 1, 2017 by Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis

Five loaves of bread feeds thousands! — 8th Sunday of Matthew

Miracles happen. Are these supera-natural marvels “coincidence”, the result of “self-suggestion”, or is our Creator behind them?

The Lord “ignores” the two blind men – 7th Sunday of Matthew

When our prayers seem to go unanswered, do we lose faith or persist like the blind men? They received their sight.

Imitate the Saints! — Sunday of the Fourth Ecumenical Council

The Fathers of the Church guide us and guard the Faith, whether the 630 Fathers of old or Saint Luke the Surgeon, a modern-day Father of our days [VIDEO].

Are you falling prey to false teachings? — 5th Sunday of Matthew

Have you invited Jesus into your heart? Have you been told to confess the Lord with your lips? Take responsibility for what you believe, do and say!

An Outsider who Made it In – 4th Sunday of Matthew

If we Orthodox Christians, the New Israel, turn our backs to God, He will fill His heavenly mansions with the innocent from heresy, schism and false belief.

The Uniqueness of Our Faith

Our multi-culture world has created many religions which are being sewn together into a charming tapestry. Is the true Church a part of it? Absolutely not.


What does it take to “follow the Lord”? Can you end your love affair with the world? A sermon for the Second Sunday of Matthew (Mt. 4:18-23).

June 17, 2017 by Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis

Is “being good” good enough? Reading “Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom

As Christians, we seek to always draw nearer to Christ. Do the Morries of the world, who fill us with their humanistic values, help us or lead us astrary?

A Turk believes in Christ through Elder Ieronymos

How can we give testimony to our faith without compromising it, and at the same time not offend others? Elder Ieronymos (+1966) from Aegina shows us how.

“Come and See” the true Church

Is the Orthodox Church a cold, worldly organization, or the source of true light, theology, Grace, and Uncreated Energy of the Holy Spirit in the world?

A clear picture of Ecumenism

What is ecumenism? The pan-heresy that threatens to destroy the Church is explained in this article.


Our Church leaders have abandoned the faith of our Fathers. Here’s what you should know and how you can take action.

Let us stand well!

The word “heresy” has quietly left our vocabulary. The “Sunday of Orthodoxy” reminds us that heresies are not to be taken lightly. Today, the pan-heresy of ecumenism is causing belief in the one, true Church to be left by the wayside.

one god

One God?

“Allah”, “Yahweh”, “Jesus Christ”. Do the Muslims, Jews and Christians all worship the same God, and just call Him by a different name?

February 18, 2017 by Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis

you will become patriarch

Why did Elder Iakovos Tsalikis want Bartholomew as Patriarch?

Elder Iakovos Tsalikis prayed fervently that Metropolitan Bartholomew would become Patriarch of Constantinople. Do we interpret this to mean that the Elder, who was seen as a holy man in the eyes of many Orthodox faithful, accepted the pan-heresy of ecumenism?

February 3, 2017 by Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis


The Fall of Adam & Eve — a talk by Fr. Seraphim Rose

Fr. Seraphim Rose illustrates the Genesis account: Paradise, our free will, the state of Adam before the fall, consequences of the fall, and what it all means to us.

January 20, 2017 by Orthodox Witness
Video, What we believe


Western Learning and Latin Influence in the Church — a talk by Fr. Seraphim Rose

How is Western schoolbook learning different from divine knowledge? Fr. Seraphim Rose talks about the theology of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco.

January 20, 2017 by Orthodox Witness
Other faiths


The End of the World — A Talk by Fr. Seraphim Rose

Fr. Seraphim Rose speaks about signs which are being fulfilled in our times which point to the end of the world.

January 20, 2017 by Orthodox Witness
Video, What we believe

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