jesus fallen human nature

Did Christ Have a Fallen Human Nature? — Part 4 of 8

Part 4 of 8 in our series on the human nature of Christ, we address the question: “Did Christ exercise control over the passions?” from an Eastern Orthodox perspective.

September 2, 2013 by Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis

“WHO AM I TO JUDGE?” – An Orthodox Understanding of Pope Francis’ remark

What I read in Pope Francis’ remark on homosexuals is: Don’t judge someone who, being a homosexual, struggles with this “tendency” (his term).

jesus fallen human nature

Did Christ Have a Fallen Human Nature? – Part 3 of 8

In this, Part 3 of 8 of our series on the human nature of Christ, we’ll address the following question: Did Christ assume voluntarily the blameless passions?

jesus fallen human nature

Did Christ Have a Fallen Human Nature? – Part 2 of 8

The Church’s teaching is that Christ’s nature was as that of Adam before the fall. In this, Part 2 of 8, we bring in various authorities on the subject.

jesus fallen human nature

Did Christ Have a Fallen Human Nature? – Part 1 of 8

In this eight part series, Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis addresses many questions concerning Christ’s human nature from an Eastern Orthodox perspective.

knowledge saint gregory palamas

The Two Kinds of Knowledge: Divine and Human

Saint Gregory Palamas (14th c.) argued strenuously that there are two kinds of truths, two kinds of wisdoms, two kinds of knowledge – one divine, one human.

mystical supper

Was the Mystical Supper a Passover Meal?

What was this meal the Lord ate with his disciples in the Upper Room? A Seder? A Chabûrah? The short answer is… neither!

orthodox pascha date

How the Date of Pascha is Determined

How is the date of Pascha determined? There are three calculations. We’ll try to provide a brief explanation to this very complex problem.

difficulties our churches face

Difficulties Our Churches Face

Have you heard of The Shropshire Ecumenical Council? The Council addresses the difficulties and challenges participant churches face. Food for thought!

why convert to orthodoxy

Why do People Convert to Orthodox Christianity?

Why have so many Evangelical ministers and others embraced the Orthodox faith? There is a certain “chemistry” involved, which cannot be easily verbalized.

January 19, 2013 by Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis

what is sin

What is Sin?

The prevalent notion in the West on what constitutes sin does not correspond with the Orthodox understanding. Sin goes beyond a personal bad choice.

Who is Jesus Christ?

Who is Jesus Christ? Is He a human or a divine being? Does it matter what we believe about Him? We have an obligation to defend the truths of our faith.

December 18, 2012 by Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis

Prophecies Announcing Christ

Christmas 1,000 Years Before Christ!

Centuries before our Savior was born, the prophets of the Old Testament, inspired by the Spirit of God, saw and proclaimed His Birth. David (1,000 B.C.), Micah and Isaiah (800-700 B.C.) wrote the first Christmas hymns before the birth of the Lord.

“What shall we offer You, O Christ?”

This year let us present to the Divine Infant our own gifts, our very personal gifts. What might they be? It would be wise to draw near and worship Him.

Is it Necessary to Bless Icons?

From The Rudder, compiled by St. Nikodemos. It is not necessary to anoint the holy icons with myron (or chrism oil), nor to have them sanctified…

November 23, 2012 by Orthodox Witness
What we believe

Statement by the Church on Mission and Evangelism

“We Orthodox in North America commit ourselves to bringing our household into order for the sake of the preaching of the Good News of Jesus Christ.”

November 7, 2012 by Orthodox Witness

The Church is a Therapeutic Center

Orthodox people view the Church as a spiritual hospital, a clinic, a hospice, a therapeutic center, and a fitness center—all combined in one! The aim of the treatment is to provide spiritual cure, maintain wellness for its patients (faithful members) and lead them to eternal life!

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